General Usage

GET /info

Once you have a JWT you can check its contents using the /info endpoint. It will return the details as outlined here:

    "user_id": 111,
    "seller_account_id": 222,
    "created": "<created_date>",
    "expires": "<expiry_date>",
    "roles": [

Paged data (pagination)

    "data": [
    "page_size": 10,
    "page_number": 1,
    "total_results": 4,
    "pages": 1

Throughout the API when a large amount of data can be retrieved a standard return format is used to facilitate paging through the results.

The data element will contain JSON representations of the appropriate entities for your request, the other elements are fairly self explinatory and provide sufficient information to craft navigation links.

To navigate through the pages, append a page_number query string parameter to your next GET request.